Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Maxwell

Maxwell Liam was born at 7:36am on Friday, August 29th. He is such a beautiful baby, so pretty, such tiny pink lips, and big steel blue eyes. His hair looks to be strawberry blonde. He has his momma's nose and his daddy's long legs. We love him very much and can't wait to take him home. We aren't getting much sleep of course between the nurses waking me up for something or Max needing to eat, which btw has now become more complicated as I'm being required to pump after each feeding because he's lost too much weight.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Tentative Due Date Established

After meeting with our doctor on Friday we were able to establish a few things:

1) He's still concerned but not enough so to take the baby prior to 37 Weeks
2) The baby is still much smaller than it should be
3) He believes that they are responsible for my current rise in blood pressure and anxiety (say it isn't so...)

Friday's appointment consisted of an ultrasound in which we again scored 8/8 - however baby is still breech and at this point will probably stay that way. We're ok with a c-section at this point. We met with our doctor to discuss the ultrasound and he determined that we did not need a NST (non-stress test) based on the ultrasound from Monday and Friday and based on our OB Emergency Room visit Sunday. I also had blood drawn again (i've lost count of how many times we've done this one) and will have to do a 24 hr urinalysis to bring back to my Monday appointment. On Wednesday we will have another appointment with the Doctor to determine the actual date of delivery. He's thrown out three days that he is currently considering: Friday August 29th, Tuesday September 2nd, or Wednesday September 3rd. So there we have it - We're having a Labor Day (approx.) Baby. I kind of think it would be funny to have the baby on Wednesday Sept 3rd since I was born on Wednesday Sept 1st 32 years ago.

This weekend we're going to do one last check to make sure we are as ready as can be.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Test Time

Today we're going to be having another BPP test and a Non-Stress test as well as an appointment with our doctor. Matt and I have gotten to the point where we really believe it would be less stressful on me if the doctor saw something in the tests that he didn't like and decided to take the baby now. Yes, take the baby as we're still breech and the baby does not seem to want to move from it's current position.

Matt would also like the baby to come sooner rather than later so there is a little break between the baby's birthday, our anniversary, and my birthday. He feels that some day it could become very expensive for him. Selfish I know but practical none the less.

Everyone is ready for baby to come, the room is complete, clothes washed, Momma is really tired of sitting around every day and just watching TV. Having next to no feeling in her hands from the pregnancy induced Carpal Tunnel has gotten rather old. The two naps a day is nice but then I can't sleep at night, not that the baby really lets me as it moves all night long.

All of this being said, if the doctor wants to wait until next week - we both understand.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

T-minus any time now

Weeks 35 & 36 have been crazy. We were told that the Doctor would be delivering the baby at 37 weeks instead of waiting until 40 weeks due to some concerns, I've been put on bed rest which is very difficult for me, we had a false alarm when the baby refused to move until it was placed on a monitor at the hospital, and we had our first BPP test which we thankfully passed and weren't required to induce labor. At the end of week 36 we will have another BPP test, an ultrasound, and another meeting with the Doctor to see if we will be inducing labor at that time. During all of this, I'm suppose to stay calm and not stress..... Not sure yet how that can be done. However, I am sleeping a lot. I've also had a lot of time to think about all the things I am not doing and really should be. Cleaning the house, making dinners, etc. Ah...heartburn just thinking about it.